Make-N-Take Weekend at Lone Star Scrapbook Store

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm having a great weekend getting to meet all of you local scrappers at 
 Lone Star Scrapbook Store!

I'm getting to teach Make-N-Takes and give customers a preview of my upcoming "Altered" classes that I will be teaching this summer.

We had a full house tonight and will have an even bigger crowd on Saturday. I wanted to give a shout out to some wonderful ladies that I met tonight. Here's a picture of Krishna, Joyce, Amy, Heather, and Heather's lovely daughter. That's me in the middle!

Here's tonight's Make-N-Take!

Here's Jackie & Socorro

Here's Anna & April

If you are in the area please stop by tomorrow for more scrappin' fun!

Lone Star Scrapbook Company
27842 I-45 North
Oak Ridge North, TX 77385
Kate said...

This looks like so much fun!! I love that bag you are all making! I wish I was closer in order to attend as well. Have a great day Saturday!!

Barb Craft said...

You all look like you are having so much fun!! Wish I was in the area so I could play too!!
Barb :)

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Wow, looks like you guys are having a lot of fun.... You gotta love this new job you have!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Oh what fun! I love your card! I wish I were able to be there! Fun for sure!
kim xXx

Sammye Jo said...

Get it girl!!!! too cute!

HeatherG said...

Hahaha - gee, those faces look familiar!

Sarah said...

Hi- noticed your blog and I was wondering if you have any idea what happened to the store?? I go there often and suddenly it seems to have disappeared. No working phone, no store front, no website. PLEASE tell me they've just moved locations... I can't find anything about what happened. Thanks!!