I'm So Obsessed!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm so obsessed with Pinterest. Thanks Jeannie for the invite. Now I'm totally hooked. :)

If you have a Pinterest account you can follow me under (angibarrs). Let me know if you are on. I'd love to follow your boards.

What is Pinterest?
Check these out to find out more.

My Boards include my obsession with things like:

Hello Kitty

Everything in Yellow

Interior Design (Love HGTV)

Yummy Food



And of course Altered Projects (my fave)

You are sure to get HOOKED on this....SMILE!
Jeannie from PolkaCabana.wordpress.com said...

You are so CUTE!! I love all your Pins already! I will have to stalk you often!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

Love your taste. I was wonderful what this was all about. Thanks for sharing!

farmhouse-story said...

don't know about it yet, --i'll check it out-tfs, angi!

Kim Duran said...

I love Pinterest too. I've been mostly looking, but have just started a few pins of my own. I'm off to go follow you there now. tee hee

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I {heart} them too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

~amy~ said...

fun fun fun...

Virginia L. said...

LOVE your pins, Angi!! Yes, they are totally addictive!! I don't know how to pin yet....I just click LIKES (LOL)!

Jean said...

I have never heard of this, will have to check it out.

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

That is cool, I signed up a while ago but doesn;t seem to be able to play with it, guess i need to spend a little more time figure it out!

Sandy Ang said...

I love being able to capture all that inspires me in one place. it's just fantastic

Linda said...

Very interesting! I will have to check it out.

Janelle said...

Isn't it just the best? Totally loving pinterest as well. You can follow us at http://pinterest.com/pkglitz/

Audrey Pettit said...

I just joined Pinterest, too. Been avoiding it, as I figured I didn't need one more thing to get obsessed with.....but then I got nudged into doing it. There sure are some pretty things on there, but I have to admit....I really don't get it. haven't figured out how to use it AT ALL. :)