Happy Veteran's Day & Pretty Mini Album Swap with Fern!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today is a very important day - It's Veteran's Day!

I proudly served in the U.S. Marine Corps and wanted to take the time to thank all of my fellow men and women serving all around the world. I salute you all and am sending prayers your way today!
I also wanted to share this beautiful mini album I received from Fern. We both participated in the mini-album swap over at Stuck on You Sketches. Please visit Fern's wonderful blog at Fern's Creations from the Heart. She is so talented. And look at all the yummy details in the mini that she sent me. I absolutely LOVE IT. It's so elegant and pretty that all of the teachers I work with want to take it from me. Thank you so much Fern!

I'll be posting the one that I sent to Fern soon! I'm such a card person so I am praying (really really hard) that Fern likes the one I made for her. You guys send a prayer out for me too. LOL
Aren't the details GORGEOUS!!!!!
Flowers are my FAVE. Love this one.

These pockets are lovely.
Fern needs to teach a class so I can learn how to do this. 
More lovely details!
I'm going to have so much fun filling this mini album with photos. Thank you again Fern!

Don't forget to salute a Vet today! 

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Happy Veteran's Day and thanks for serving the country!
Lovely mini book you received, it is beautiful and thanks for sharing it!

Jean said...

Happy Veteran's Day and thanks for serving!!

Kate said...

Oh wow! What an amazing album and a precious gift for you to have received. Those pockets are incredible!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Beautiful album, Angi, I can't wait to see what you put in it!
Kim xXx

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Thank you for serving for our freedom!!! I love love love love the mini you got!! I am POSITIVE that yours is JUST AS STUNNING! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Barb Craft said...

wow!! Fern did an amazing job with her mini!! She is the queen of details and she sure packed this mini full of them!! Can't wait to see the one you created!!
barb :)

Linda said...

Happy Veteran's To You my dear Vet. Thank you for keeping us safe and free! My aunt served 21 years.
I love the mini. It is amazing. I am headed to Fern's blog now. Thanks for sharing.

Fern said...

Oh Angi, you are too funny!!! Of course I'm going to love it!!! I'm so happy you like the one I sent you!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!! Hugs!!!!

Regan said...

What a beautiful mini album! TFS, Regan

Nanne said...

Stunning mini album you got from Fern.. I want one too..LOL I hope you enjoy it and I also hope you will join us again for another swap in the future..